Neobux standard Member strategy with zero invesment in urdu
Standard members have anincredible opportunity to earn money with neobux,and all you need is neobux acount, a computer,internet,and a little bit will power and dedicated focus,What you'll learn
the most common Mistakes of a standard member.
The perfect Time to Purchase Your Golden Membership
ÒThe perfect time to purchase your golden membership for all neobux acount.
neobux's standard membership has access to all 7 ways to earn revenue with neobux ,but some of the features are not profitable.Our standerd membership strategy will outline the tips and strategies to get you to a golden membership quickly by avoiding common pitfalls and understanding how to do it fast.We'll start with the biggest mistake standdard members makes,and why you should avoid it.
The Biggest Mistake Standard Members Make: Renting
Referrals in urduWho would have guessed Renting Referrals would be a mistake? It is a mistake
because it's never profitable to Rent Referrals as a Standard Member. It
depends upon your intent. If you're looking to rent referrals for profitability, it
will never make sense. However, there are two reasons to rent referrals as a
Standard Member and wecover them in detail.
Don't believe me? Check out this member`s story. At the time of this post, he's
a standard member with 250 referrals. He's also earn $100 from MiniJobs. Why
is he not Golden? Because he rented referrals.
Don't rent referrals as a standard member, unless you know what you're
Lessons So Far: Don't throw away your profits by renting referrals.The 3 Quickest Ways to Obtain a Golden Membership
Now we're going to tackle how to nab that Golden membership. A Golden
Membership costs typically $90, but there are other ways to earn the
membership faster! Since we'll want to rent referrals as soon as we become
Golden, we'll want to have a bit extra money to rent referrals. The goal would
be Golden Membership + $20 in your main balance. The strategies contained
within this section will help you earn as much money as you're willing to work
for. You could earn up to $500 a month, but we only need to earn enough to
become aGolden member and move onto that strategy.
Golden Membership Option 1: Purchasing with NeoCoins
NeoCoins will get your to a Golden Membership the fastest and most reliably. It
only takes 60,000 NeoCoins to earn a Golden Membership.
Simply Navigate to the NeoCoins menu and you'll see 4 NeoCoin Providers.
I've noticed MATOMY offers easy-to-complete offers while TrialPay offers
high-reward offers.
Below is an example of an easy MATOMY Offer from Bing. Simply sign up
for Bing's rewards program and it you will be rewarded the NeoCoins
This NeoCoin Offer will be completed when you sign up for Bing Rewards. If
you were absolutely adamant about completing Free NeoCoin offers, you could
do it in a day. Most Free offers give 1,500 points by downloading a game. That
would be 40 offers. If you complete 5 offers an hour, you'll be complete with
your offers in 8 hours.
Neobux also has paid offers. These are typically something like, sign up for a
credit card or purchase stamps. Fill out 4-5 of these and you'll have a Golden
Membership in under an hour.
You can even get a Coins from a Purchasing a Starbucks eGiftCard.
Don't know what to get someone for Christmas? Get them a Starbucks gift card,
just do it through Neobux and earn NeoCoins in the process. There is no excuse
not to have a Golden Membership in one day if you put your mind to it.
Another important note: Some offers take 30 days to be credited to your account
while others are credited instantly. If it takes 30 days to be credited you'll see
this warning on your screen.
Option 2: Win your Golden Membership through AdPrize
This strategy is very common with people who religiously view
advertisements. Many people on the forums have done this strategy and use it
year after year. Let's talk about how luck could earn a you a Golden
membership with AdPrize. Every day 12 Golden Memberships are given away
through Ad Prize. If you don't think it's possible, check out Sonesh who has
won 2 Golden Memberships. Ad Prize allows members to win NeoPoints, Cash,
or a Golden Membership.
Critical Strategy Component: Never Miss Another
The critical part of this strategy is viewing as many advertisements as possible
because that will generate more AdPrize opportunities. And the more adPrize
opportunities, the more opportunity you have to win your Golden membership.
And the more opportunity you have to win other things that increase your main
balance. So how do you see as many advertisements as possible? Just sit on
Neobux and hit refresh all the time. Just kidding, Neobux came up with a way
better way, AdAlert.
Download and install Neobux's browser extension: AdAlert. AdAlert is a
simple browser extension that notifies you when a Neobux Advertisement pops
up. If you're browsing the internet on another webpage you'll be notified of a
new advertisement when it becomes available. AdAlert is an essential piece of
this strategy. With AdAlert you'll never miss another advertisement.
Space Banana has won two Golden Memberships from AdPrize and has
invested $0 out of his pocket! Really cool! Yes, he views quite a few
advertisements, but he finds the prospect of winning enjoyable. He is now
renting referrals and earning some passive income.
Option 3: Purchasing your Membership with NeoPoints
You'll need 90,000 NeoPoints for a Golden Membership. It's quite a lot, but
you can earn NeoPoints just by downloading and installing iPhone or iPad
applications. Neobux makes it pretty easy to earn NeoPoints. Combine this
option with AdPrize and you'll have 90,000 NeoPoints before you know it. It's
more of a long term strategy. A slow and methodical movement towards
Strategically Timing the Purchase of your Golden
Membership and Save $ every year
The critical-ness of this step cannot be understated. Purchasing your Golden
Membership at the correct time will save you $10 $20 every year which
equates to about 15,000 NeoCoins and 20,000 NeoPoints. Neobux's Admin
offers upgrade/renewal discounts throughout the year and they have been
repeated every year at Neobux!
This gives us hope that they will be continued in the future. That said, being
strategic in planning the day in which you purchase your membership will save
you money and allow you to rent more referrals. While purchasing at the wrong
time will make it more difficult to take advantage of the discounts and make
your account less profitable. If you want more detailed information on when I
think you should upgrade, I've documented the Admin's most common discount
days along with recommendations on when to upgrade. I recommend upgrading
at the New Years promotion or Neobux's official launch date (April 30th).
Recap and Next Steps: in urdu
We've covered the best ways to ruin your Account's profitability by renting
referrals, we learned how to upgrade to a Golden membership the fastest, and
lastly we talked about strategically purchasing your membership so you can get
a discount every year. Pretty good so far.
The next tutorial: Mastering renting referrals to maximize Golden Membership
profitability. In that tutorial we assume you've upgraded your membership to
Golden. It's time to start renting some referrals. We cover all the potential
pitfalls and strategies of renting referrals in that strategy.
If you're not a member, you can SIGN-UP HERE!